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Sunday, March 2, 2008

How To Make A Home Made Brownie Ice Cream Cake

I'm no professional baker. I bake normally on impulse. There are days when my bakes turns out crappy, then there's those days when it turned out super fantastic! Like I said, I am no professional baker and I received no professional training whatsoever. Everything is self taught. I normally get my recipes and inspirations from the internet and cook books.

So for my father's birthday, I planned to whip up a really cool dessert: Brownie Ice Cream Cake. You can use any kind of cakes you want. Alternatively you can use Oreo, which is the simplest! (since no baking is required). Your choice really. I chose brownie because... it's my favourite. There's a lot of brownie cake recipes you can find online or you can choose to buy a pre-mix from the supermarkets.

This is my first time making an ice cream cake. HAHAHAHA! Given time, I think I can better my technique so that the result would not turn out as sloppy as it did today.

For my cake brownie, I used:

  • 2 eggs
  • 240g sugar
  • 120g margarine
  • 4 tablespoons cocoa
  • 180g flour
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1/2 tsp. baking powder
  • 1 tsp. vanilla

Directions for the cake:
  1. Beat eggs and vanilla until light and fluffy.
  2. Add sugar, melted margarine, and cocoa. Blend.
  3. Add the rest of the ingredients; flour, salt, baking powder. Mix well.
  4. Pour into a 9"x 9" greased pan. Bake at 173 degreesC for 20 minutes or until a wooden pick inserted in the centre comes out clean.
  5. Let cake cool.

Once cooled, remove cake from pan and chill in freezer for 1 hour or until hard. Once hardened, slice as many layers as you can. For my kind of batter, I can only make 2 slices. :(. If you can make more... great for you! Alternatively, you can divide the batter into two before putting them in the oven! (but in such case, you have to reduce baking time).

Lay out the same pan you used to bake the cake with plastic wrap, making sure you cover the sides as well. If you have another pan of the same dimensions, you can jolly well use that.

Once you're done, place the pan in the freezer to chill. Meanwhile, soften your favourite ice cream in the refrigerator for around 30 minutes. I used vanilla caramel. You want your ice cream to soften... not melt. But if it starts to melt, quickly place it back into the freezer for awhile.

Evenly layer your softened ice cream in the pan. You should use a rubber spatula or a wooden spoon if you don't have one. Then carefully place a brownie slice on top of it. Spread another layer of your favourite ice cream. Repeat with remaining brownie and ice cream. Make sure you fill any gaps with ice cream.

Cover with aluminum foil and leave it in the freezer overnight or until firm.

To serve, place in refrigerator 10 minutes before slicing. (Dip knife in hot water first before slicing.)


If I had to do this all over again, I would avoid using light whip cream. Because it melts the moment you put it on the cake. Just like what I experienced today! Boohoohoo!!!!!! :(

Hope you had better luck than me.

I did some calculations and I think I'll save around $40 if I make this myself than buy it ready made from the bakery. But if presentation matters to you, then I won't suggest making this yourself unless you're really good at it.


  1. You keep saying it's margarine! But when we went shopping, it's salted butter. Please make up your mind can?

    The butter cubes are either salted, or unsalted. I just remembered it cause I saw one in my house too.

    And if you keep saying margarine, people will get misleaded like I did the other time.

  2. i couldn't find a good stick margarine. the margarines in Singapore mostly come in tubs. Which can be used for this brownie... but it will be very troublesome to measure out 120g.


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