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Monday, March 8, 2010

To delete or not to delete?

Ok so I started this blog for a love of blogging and arts and crafts. But I realize uploading the photos to my computer, then on to the blog, then writing a review about it... is such a hassle. The blog's a big huge mess! What started as strictly for my baking and threading stuffs, turned into a totally personal blog where I'd bitch about politicians, and people.... I realize later that those things are easy things to blog about. You don't need pictures, just ramble on and on and on.... But dedicating your blog to a specific topic, your blogging style becomes limited. I thought of doing up a whole new blog from scratch, and create a better vibe... but its so sad to leave behind the stuff I've written.... All those memories!!!!!!!!!!!!! And the hits I used to get last time. Feels very loved when people started linking back to you. Or I might just clean up this blog. I don't know.... what do you think?

0 new ideas: