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Monday, May 25, 2009

Sam Ronson's Tweet

Samantha Ronson was in Singapore last week. And she tweets when she was here. I find this particular one too cute not to share:

It said: "... I promise not to spit or throw my cigarette butts on you".

Cute. Well, at least she knew something about Singapore. Man, is that all Singapore is famous for? Ban on chewing gums? At least we don't have people running around removing gums on every possible surface on earth! Ahhh.... at least Hollywood knows us! HAHAHAHA!

Anyway, last Saturday, my boyfriend and I bought a tub of cookies and cream flavored ice cream. We ate a few glasses for dinner. Then last night, my dad bought a tub of the same ice cream flavor!! OMG! This morning, I had ice cream for breakfast. I can just live on ice cream for my breakfast, lunch and dinner for the rest of my life. I love ice cream!

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