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Monday, January 12, 2009

Pray, Not Demonstrations!

I find it ridiculous that people who associate themselves with Islam would carry out big protest demonstrations to bring the message across their dislike for war on Gaza. If they truly care about the war in the Middle East, they should have done a solat hajat. Pray for the safety of Palestinians. Not by making a fool of themselves and disrupt the lives of others. I mean, how would burning an Isreal flag and bashing a photo of Bush helps the situation. Spend your lives in a more meaningful way. PRAY!

Anyway, its really upsetting to know some people would seriously think Palestinians should be blamed for the war. I say, they have the right to shoot that rocket. Israel should be taught a lesson for treating Palestine like a prison. Displacing people of their homes. Taking away their lands. Diverging their source of clean water. Its all written in the textbooks. Yet people just don't care. We have seen on documentaries how the Israelis treat tourists, and their neighbours. And yet we still think they should have the right for the war?; reason being to protect their citizens? Well, had they not been so verbally abusive, greedy, and arrogant, they could have avoided all these dramas. Israel, you are just as good as the Nazi.

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