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Monday, January 12, 2009

Anniversary Gift

I miss my boyfriend. For our 3rd anniversary last month, he gave me a watch. I was hoping for a *cough* ring *cough*. A Swatch watch with Swarovski crystals was just as good. But could have been better if it was a *cough* ring *cough*. Anyway, the gift sort of triggered an emotional response in me. I cried and he sort of freaked out a bit. HAHAHAHAHA! I am so touched that he bothered to wrap it in a wrapping paper (on his own!). While I sort of gave him his gift as it is. LOLOLOL! I've been late for many our dates. Sometimes an hour late! The worst one to date was 2 hours!!! Or was it 4? HAHAHA! So this watch was his way to remind me not to be late again. What's next? Shoes? Since to you every gift as its meaning, shoes have one too! If you know what I mean ;) Anyway, I am happy. Could have been happier if it was a *cough* ring *cough* though.


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