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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Ramadhan Week Taken With LG Viewty

Finally! After 3 to 4 months of delays, I now bother to access some of the photos taken using my LG Viewty phone. So here are some of the photos I took during the recent Ramadhan. I might share more when I'm not so lazy. LOL.

My brother about to paint his portion of the wall. After 8 years of living in this house, my dad finally decided to put on a new coat of paint! Previously, our wall was blue-green. This year, we decided to go with Kiwi Gold. It compliments our wooden blinds, but quite honestly, after months of staring at the colour, we kinda regret choosing this shade of gold. We felt that the colour we chose is more appropriate for our bedrooms! We should have gone with a darker colour that actually suits our living room!

I painted this side of the living room. Was taking a break when I took this photo. My dad actually lets me paint these walls.

Me eating a tub of mango pudding while completing an assignment. It was just too good to share it with anyone!

Our new dining table arrived on the second week of Ramadhan. We officially welcomed its arrival by serving Nasi Ayam! It's actually rice cooked in chicken stock and served with tender chicken, usually dipped in specially made sauce.

=) What's in your phone?

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