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Friday, April 11, 2008

Celebrity Lookalikes!

Gloria Estefan


President Arroyo


I was watching the American Idol Gives Back on Channel 5 when Gloria Estefan was invited on stage to perform. And immediately it hit me. I think she looked so much like President Arroyo!! And what a coincidence that both have a mole strategically located on their face. Gloria Estefan's mole is just below the right eye. While President Arroyo's mole is next to the left side of her nostril.

Just recently, I've picked up on watching the Indonesian show Hikmah. HAHA! Slow beribu tapak. When everyone's waiting for their season 4, I am only on Season 2! LOLOL! I don't know why I never watched Hikmah when it was first aired in Singapore. Had I known Hikmah will be this addictive, I would never have watched the reruns on Suria!!

Anyway, speaking of Hikmah, each time I watched Tamara Bleszynski on tv, I am reminded of a Suria artiste... Rima Melati Adams! Must be the chin.



Celine Dion


Oh, and how about another local artiste who recently got married? Nurulaini! She posted a lot of photos of herself on her personal website. And sometimes when she posed a certain angle, I can't help it but notice she looked sooooooooo much like Celine Dion! It must be the nose chin! Anyway, this was the best photo (with a link!) that I could find of Nurul.


  1. agree..
    nurul does look a bit like celine..
    the malay version...
    the chin like the same..

  2. hey thanks for pointing that put! I felt they look the same... just couldn't pin point to what exactly.

  3. And I wonder why you didn't host those images yourself...

    Lazy right!

    Hmph. Bandwidth stealing is an internet crime ok. :)

  4. serious?? i didn't know that... i don't know how to do a reference to their site... how ah?


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