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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Amazing Race 14 Pit Stop Battle

The feud between Margie & Luke and Kisha & Jen in the last episode of the Amazing Race was really hilarious. Its the case of the reflexes and both got the wrong idea. Both saw the clue box at the same time. And Luke got to it first. Jen who was running to it as well, was not able to stop in time to avoid a collision. And Luke got the impression that Jen pushed him. When Jen didn't. And I find it remarkable that Jen could tell exactly how she got hit. Elbowed and pushed. She makes an amazing witness to a crime.

Anyway, Jen further instigated the whole drama by calling Luke a bitch. Had she just left it as it is, maybe there won't be a memorable show down at the pit stop. And besides, Luke is not a bitch. Luke is the dawg (get the joke?!).

The second incident that just fueled their anger even more was at the #24 Bridge. This time, Jen got to it first. And Luke who was a second behind was flying into her. And BAM! Jen thought Luke was trying to be a bitch again. But in actual fact, he was not able to stop in time to avoid bumping into Jen.

Then at the pit stop, both arrived together with Tammy & Victor. Luke wanted a face-off with Kisha & Jen. Margie tried to stop him. But of course, Luke gets to say a piece of his mind.

Kisha smiled at the on-going battle between her sister and Luke. And Margie took it the wrong way. Margie accused them of laughing at her son. You know, I find all this funny, started with a misunderstanding, but when his mother said that, I was so pissed off! That's a baseless accusation she just said. Just because Luke is deaf, whatever everyone else say and do is magnified a million times more. In a normal heated debate, angry people smile at you to make you even more pissed off. That's a natural reaction. But when Margie accused that as laughing at her son because he's deaf... she has taken it too personally. The fight was between two childish individuals. Not between the deaf and the normal person. Because of that, my respect for the team just plummeted down. Sometimes, I feel they are not the victim of bullying. But its us who was born normal who had to be screen for what we say cos people like them might take it the wrong way. Had Kisha been a deaf person, or Luke had his hearing, do you think Margie would have said what she said?

Go Tammy & Victor!

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